Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Finding_BaseServiceResponse.h


Base response container for all service operations. Contains error
information associated with the request.

@ingroup FindingServicePortType


  •   ack

    Indicates whether or not errors or warnings were generated during the
    processing of the request.

  •   errorMessage

    Description of an error or warning that occurred when eBay processed the
    request. Not returned if the ack value is Success.

  •   version

    The release version that eBay used to process the request. Developer
    Technical Support may ask you for the version value if you work with them
    to troubleshoot issues.

    The version in use is normally the latest release version, as specified
    in the release notes. Note that eBay releases the API to international
    sites about a week after the API version is released to the US site.

  •   timestamp

    This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request.
    This value is returned in GMT, the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-
    MM- DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the “dateTime” type for information about the
    time format, and for details on converting to and from the GMT time zone.




Indicates whether or not errors or warnings were generated during the
processing of the request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *ack


Indicates whether or not errors or warnings were generated during the
processing of the request.

type: string constant in Finding_AckValue.h

Declared In



Description of an error or warning that occurred when eBay processed the
request. Not returned if the ack value is Success.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_ErrorMessage *errorMessage


Description of an error or warning that occurred when eBay processed the
request. Not returned if the ack value is Success.

type : class Finding_ErrorMessage

Declared In



This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request.
This value is returned in GMT, the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-
MM- DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the “dateTime” type for information about the
time format, and for details on converting to and from the GMT time zone.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate *timestamp


This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request.
This value is returned in GMT, the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-
MM- DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the “dateTime” type for information about the
time format, and for details on converting to and from the GMT time zone.

type : NSDate, wrapper for primitive date

Declared In



The release version that eBay used to process the request. Developer
Technical Support may ask you for the version value if you work with them
to troubleshoot issues.

The version in use is normally the latest release version, as specified
in the release notes. Note that eBay releases the API to international
sites about a week after the API version is released to the US site.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *version


The release version that eBay used to process the request. Developer
Technical Support may ask you for the version value if you work with them
to troubleshoot issues.

The version in use is normally the latest release version, as specified
in the release notes. Note that eBay releases the API to international
sites about a week after the API version is released to the US site.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
