Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Finding_CategoryHistogramContainer.h


Base container for histogram information.

@ingroup FindingServicePortType


  •   categoryHistogram

    Statistical (item count) information on the categories that contain items
    that match the search criteria or specified category or categories. A
    category histogram contains information for up to 10 child categories.
    Search result total entries may not necessarily match the sum of category
    histogram item counts.

    For search calls, the item count shows the distribution of matching items
    across each of the returned categories. A category histogram is not
    returned if there are no matching items or if the search is restricted to
    a single leaf category.

    For getHistograms, the category histogram contains the total item count
    for the specified category and item counts for the child categories
    containing the most item listings. A category histogram is not returned
    if the specified category is a leaf category.

    For categories associated with specific items, review the individual item
    containers returned in the search result.

  •   delimiter

    (public property)

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



Statistical (item count) information on the categories that contain items
that match the search criteria or specified category or categories. A
category histogram contains information for up to 10 child categories.
Search result total entries may not necessarily match the sum of category
histogram item counts.

For search calls, the item count shows the distribution of matching items
across each of the returned categories. A category histogram is not
returned if there are no matching items or if the search is restricted to
a single leaf category.

For getHistograms, the category histogram contains the total item count
for the specified category and item counts for the child categories
containing the most item listings. A category histogram is not returned
if the specified category is a leaf category.

For categories associated with specific items, review the individual item
containers returned in the search result.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *categoryHistogram


Statistical (item count) information on the categories that contain items
that match the search criteria or specified category or categories. A
category histogram contains information for up to 10 child categories.
Search result total entries may not necessarily match the sum of category
histogram item counts.

For search calls, the item count shows the distribution of matching items
across each of the returned categories. A category histogram is not
returned if there are no matching items or if the search is restricted to
a single leaf category.

For getHistograms, the category histogram contains the total item count
for the specified category and item counts for the child categories
containing the most item listings. A category histogram is not returned
if the specified category is a leaf category.

For categories associated with specific items, review the individual item
containers returned in the search result.

entry type : class Finding_CategoryHistogram

Declared In



(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *delimiter


(public property)

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
