Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Finding_SearchItem.h


Container for the data of a single item that matches the search criteria. Finding API calls return an object of this type, filled with the item’s data.

@ingroup FindingServicePortType


  •   itemId

    The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this
    ID when an item is listed. ID values are unique across all eBay sites.

  •   title

    Name of the item as it appears in the listing title, or in search and
    browse results.

  •   globalId

    The identifier for the site on which the item is listed. Returns a Global
    ID, which is a unique identifier that specifies the combination of the
    site, language, and territory. In other eBay APIs (such as the Shopping
    API), this value is know as the site ID.

  •   subtitle

    Subtitle of the item. Only returned if the seller included a subtitle for
    the listing.

  •   primaryCategory

    Details about the first (or only) category in which the item is listed.
    Note that items can be listed in more than a single category.

  •   secondaryCategory

    Details about the second category in which the item is listed. This
    element is not returned if the seller did not specify a secondary

  •   galleryURL

    URL for the Gallery thumbnail image. Returned only if the seller
    uploaded images for the item or the item was listed using a product

  •   galleryInfoContainer

    Contains three URLs for item thumbnail images in standard sizes. Not
    returned if the item has no images. That is, if the item was not listed
    using a product identifier and the seller has not uploaded images, the
    container will not be returned, even when the outputSelector is set to

  •   viewItemURL

    The URL to view this specific listing on eBay.

    The returned URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, the URL
    is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular internet
    search engines. The URL includes the item title along with other

    If you enabled affiliate tracking in the call, viewItemURL contains a
    string that includes affiliate tracking information.

    eBay URLs returned in fields, such as <b
    class=“con”>viewItemURL, are subject to syntax and other
    changes without notice. To avoid problems in your application when eBay
    alters the URL format, we advise you to avoid parsing eBay URLs
    programmatically. We strive to ensure that other fields in the response
    contain all the information that is encoded in the URL, and more.

  •   charityId

    A unique identification number assigned by eBay to a registered
    non-profit charity organization.

  •   productId

    Unique identifier for the eBay catalog product with which the item was
    listed. An eBay catalog product consists of pre-filled Item Specifics,
    additional descriptive information, plus a stock photo (if available).
    These product details are used to pre-fill item information, which is
    used to describe the item and can also help surface the item in searches.

    eBay supports the following types of product ID types: ISBN, UPC, EAN,
    and ReferenceID (ePID, also known as an eBay Product Reference ID).
    ReferenceID values are returned when available. A UPC, ISBN, or EAN
    product identifier will be returned only when a ReferenceID is not

    This productId value can be used as input with findItemsByProduct to
    retrieve items that were listed with the specified eBay catalog product.

    This field is only returned when a product was used to list the item.

  •   paymentMethod

    Identifies the payment method (or methods) the seller will accept for the
    item (such as PayPal).

    If the seller accepts only PayPal, the buyer can still pay with a
    credit card. PayPal supports major credit cards.

    Payment methods are not applicable to eBay Real Estate advertisement
    listings or other Classified Ad listing formats.

  •   autoPay

    If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or
    not specified), immediate payment is not requested. Buyers must have a
    PayPal account to purchase items that require immediate payment.

    A seller can choose to require immediate payment for Fixed Price and Buy
    It Now listings, including eBay Stores Inventory listings. If a Buy It
    Now item ends as an auction (that is, if the Buy It Now option is removed
    due to bids being placed on the listing), the immediate payment
    requirement does not apply.

    The value of the AutoPay flag indicates the seller’s stated preference
    only. It does not indicate whether the listing is still a candidate for
    purchase via immediate payment. For example, if a listing receives bids
    and no longer qualifies for immediate payment, the value of the AutoPay
    flag does not change.

    Only applicable to items listed on PayPal-enabled sites and in categories
    that support immediate payment.

  •   postalCode

    The postal code where the listed item is located. This field is returned
    only if a postal code has been specified by the seller. eBay proximity
    and local search behavior can use the combination of buyerPostalCode and
    postalCode values.

  •   location

    Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. This gives a
    general indication from where the item will be shipped (or delivered).

  •   country

    Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item
    is located (e.g., “US” for the United States or “GB” for the United

  •   storeInfo

    Information about the eBay store in which the item is listed. Only
    returned if the item is listed in a store and StoreInfo is specified in
    the outputSelector field in the request.

  •   sellerInfo

    Information about the item’s seller. Only returned if SellerInfo is
    specified in the outputSelector field in the request.

  •   shippingInfo

    Container for data about a listing’s shipping details.

  •   sellingStatus

    Specifies the item’s selling status with regards to eBay’s processing

  •   listingInfo

    The format type of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or

  •   returnsAccepted

    This is set to true if the seller accepts return of the item.

  •   galleryPlusPictureURL

    URL for the Gallery Plus image. The size of Gallery Plus images (up to
    500 pixels on the longest side) is bigger than the size of standard
    gallery images. In site search results, you can view the Gallery Plus
    image by hovering over or clicking the Enlarge link or magifying glass
    icon. This field is only returned when the seller has opted for
    the Gallery Plus option for the given item.

  •   compatibility

    Starting in March 2010, parts compatibility will be supported in limited
    Parts & Accessories categories for eBay Motors in the Production
    environment. For these categories, a compatible application will always
    be a vehicle, which is specified by a combination of make, model, and
    year. Optionally, trim and engine data may also be specifed for a

    This field returns terms from the keywords in the request that match
    values in one of the item’s compatible applications (vehicles). If the
    keywords match more than one compatible application for an item, the
    field returns “Two or more of your vehicles” to indicate multiple

    For example, keyword queries that contain vehicle details, such as make
    and model (e.g., Honda Accord), in addition to keywords for the part or
    accessory, will search through structured parts compatibility information
    for matching listings. If an item has a 2007 Honda Accord (any trim or
    engine) specified as a compatible application, and the item matches the
    part or accessory terms in the query, this field will return the matching
    terms from the query (i.e., Honda Accord).

    Parts compatibility is an eBay feature that uses structured data to
    associate compatible assemblies with parts and accessories listed on
    eBay. For example, parts compatibility enables sellers to specify
    accurately and comprehensively the vehicles on which a side mirror or a
    rim fit. Parts compatibility improves search relevancy and frees up item
    titles and descriptions for more useful descriptions of the part.

  •   distance

    The distance that the item is from the buyer, calculated using
    buyerPostalCode. The unit for distance varies by site, and is either
    miles or kilometers. If the country whose site you are searching uses
    kilometers to measure distance (for example, India/EBAY-IN), the unit is
    kilometers. If the site is either the US or UK, the distance unit is

    This value is only returned for distance-based searches. You must specify
    a buyerPostalCode and either sort by Distance, or use a combination of
    the MaxDistance LocalSearch itemFilters.

  •   condition

    Contains information about the item’s condition.
    Only returned when the seller listed the item with an
    item condition.

    Different categories can support different
    condition choices. If a listing is in two categories,
    the seller uses condition details that are supported in
    the primary category. Thus, even if two nearly identical
    items are found in the same category search, they could support
    different condition details if they have different
    primary categories.
    For example, suppose Seller A lists a concert T-shirt
    in clothing, and also in music accessories as the
    secondary category. Seller B lists an identical shirt in
    music accessories only.
    If you search against the music accessories category,
    you will find both items, but seller A’s shirt may have
    condition details that are slightly different from seller B's
    shirt, because the listings have different primary categories.

  •   isMultiVariationListing

    Returns true if the item is a multi-variation listing.

  •   discountPriceInfo

    Returns information on the item if it is listed as a Strikethrough Price (STP) or
    Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) item by the seller.

  •   pictureURLSuperSize

    URL to a picture of the item that is 800x800 pixels in size.

  •   pictureURLLarge

    URL to a picture of the item that is 400x400 pixels in size.

  •   unitPrice

    Contains information about the weight, volume or other quantity measurement of a listed
    item. The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the
    price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices. eBay uses the
    data and the item’s listed price to calculate and display the
    per-unit price on eBay EU sites.

    Note: This information is currently required only for
    EU business sellers, and only for listings with a Buy It Now option.

  •   attribute

    Contains a name/value pair defining an item attribute. Multiple
    attribute containers can be returned for an item.

  •   topRatedListing

    Indicates whether the item listing is a Top-Rated Plus listing. A
    Top-Rated Plus listing must meet the following requirements:

    • 14-day (or longer) return policy with Money Back option
    • 1-day Handling Time or better
    • Listed by a Top-Rated Seller

    This field is returned only for the US (EBAY-US) site.

  •   delimiter

    (public property)

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



Contains a name/value pair defining an item attribute. Multiple
attribute containers can be returned for an item.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *attribute


Contains a name/value pair defining an item attribute. Multiple
attribute containers can be returned for an item.

entry type : class Finding_ItemAttribute

Declared In



If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or
not specified), immediate payment is not requested. Buyers must have a
PayPal account to purchase items that require immediate payment.

A seller can choose to require immediate payment for Fixed Price and Buy
It Now listings, including eBay Stores Inventory listings. If a Buy It
Now item ends as an auction (that is, if the Buy It Now option is removed
due to bids being placed on the listing), the immediate payment
requirement does not apply.

The value of the AutoPay flag indicates the seller’s stated preference
only. It does not indicate whether the listing is still a candidate for
purchase via immediate payment. For example, if a listing receives bids
and no longer qualifies for immediate payment, the value of the AutoPay
flag does not change.

Only applicable to items listed on PayPal-enabled sites and in categories
that support immediate payment.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *autoPay


If true, the seller requires immediate payment for the item. If false (or
not specified), immediate payment is not requested. Buyers must have a
PayPal account to purchase items that require immediate payment.

A seller can choose to require immediate payment for Fixed Price and Buy
It Now listings, including eBay Stores Inventory listings. If a Buy It
Now item ends as an auction (that is, if the Buy It Now option is removed
due to bids being placed on the listing), the immediate payment
requirement does not apply.

The value of the AutoPay flag indicates the seller’s stated preference
only. It does not indicate whether the listing is still a candidate for
purchase via immediate payment. For example, if a listing receives bids
and no longer qualifies for immediate payment, the value of the AutoPay
flag does not change.

Only applicable to items listed on PayPal-enabled sites and in categories
that support immediate payment.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



A unique identification number assigned by eBay to a registered
non-profit charity organization.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *charityId


A unique identification number assigned by eBay to a registered
non-profit charity organization.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Starting in March 2010, parts compatibility will be supported in limited
Parts & Accessories categories for eBay Motors in the Production
environment. For these categories, a compatible application will always
be a vehicle, which is specified by a combination of make, model, and
year. Optionally, trim and engine data may also be specifed for a

This field returns terms from the keywords in the request that match
values in one of the item’s compatible applications (vehicles). If the
keywords match more than one compatible application for an item, the
field returns “Two or more of your vehicles” to indicate multiple

For example, keyword queries that contain vehicle details, such as make
and model (e.g., Honda Accord), in addition to keywords for the part or
accessory, will search through structured parts compatibility information
for matching listings. If an item has a 2007 Honda Accord (any trim or
engine) specified as a compatible application, and the item matches the
part or accessory terms in the query, this field will return the matching
terms from the query (i.e., Honda Accord).

Parts compatibility is an eBay feature that uses structured data to
associate compatible assemblies with parts and accessories listed on
eBay. For example, parts compatibility enables sellers to specify
accurately and comprehensively the vehicles on which a side mirror or a
rim fit. Parts compatibility improves search relevancy and frees up item
titles and descriptions for more useful descriptions of the part.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *compatibility


Starting in March 2010, parts compatibility will be supported in limited
Parts & Accessories categories for eBay Motors in the Production
environment. For these categories, a compatible application will always
be a vehicle, which is specified by a combination of make, model, and
year. Optionally, trim and engine data may also be specifed for a

This field returns terms from the keywords in the request that match
values in one of the item’s compatible applications (vehicles). If the
keywords match more than one compatible application for an item, the
field returns “Two or more of your vehicles” to indicate multiple

For example, keyword queries that contain vehicle details, such as make
and model (e.g., Honda Accord), in addition to keywords for the part or
accessory, will search through structured parts compatibility information
for matching listings. If an item has a 2007 Honda Accord (any trim or
engine) specified as a compatible application, and the item matches the
part or accessory terms in the query, this field will return the matching
terms from the query (i.e., Honda Accord).

Parts compatibility is an eBay feature that uses structured data to
associate compatible assemblies with parts and accessories listed on
eBay. For example, parts compatibility enables sellers to specify
accurately and comprehensively the vehicles on which a side mirror or a
rim fit. Parts compatibility improves search relevancy and frees up item
titles and descriptions for more useful descriptions of the part.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Contains information about the item’s condition.
Only returned when the seller listed the item with an
item condition.

Different categories can support different
condition choices. If a listing is in two categories,
the seller uses condition details that are supported in
the primary category. Thus, even if two nearly identical
items are found in the same category search, they could support
different condition details if they have different
primary categories.
For example, suppose Seller A lists a concert T-shirt
in clothing, and also in music accessories as the
secondary category. Seller B lists an identical shirt in
music accessories only.
If you search against the music accessories category,
you will find both items, but seller A’s shirt may have
condition details that are slightly different from seller B's
shirt, because the listings have different primary categories.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_Condition *condition


Contains information about the item’s condition.
Only returned when the seller listed the item with an
item condition.

Different categories can support different
condition choices. If a listing is in two categories,
the seller uses condition details that are supported in
the primary category. Thus, even if two nearly identical
items are found in the same category search, they could support
different condition details if they have different
primary categories.
For example, suppose Seller A lists a concert T-shirt
in clothing, and also in music accessories as the
secondary category. Seller B lists an identical shirt in
music accessories only.
If you search against the music accessories category,
you will find both items, but seller A’s shirt may have
condition details that are slightly different from seller B's
shirt, because the listings have different primary categories.

type : class Finding_Condition

Declared In



Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item
is located (e.g., “US” for the United States or “GB” for the United

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *country


Two-letter ISO 3166 country code to indicate the country where the item
is located (e.g., “US” for the United States or “GB” for the United

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *delimiter


(public property)

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Returns information on the item if it is listed as a Strikethrough Price (STP) or
Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) item by the seller.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_DiscountPriceInfo *discountPriceInfo


Returns information on the item if it is listed as a Strikethrough Price (STP) or
Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) item by the seller.

type : class Finding_DiscountPriceInfo

Declared In



The distance that the item is from the buyer, calculated using
buyerPostalCode. The unit for distance varies by site, and is either
miles or kilometers. If the country whose site you are searching uses
kilometers to measure distance (for example, India/EBAY-IN), the unit is
kilometers. If the site is either the US or UK, the distance unit is

This value is only returned for distance-based searches. You must specify
a buyerPostalCode and either sort by Distance, or use a combination of
the MaxDistance LocalSearch itemFilters.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_Distance *distance


The distance that the item is from the buyer, calculated using
buyerPostalCode. The unit for distance varies by site, and is either
miles or kilometers. If the country whose site you are searching uses
kilometers to measure distance (for example, India/EBAY-IN), the unit is
kilometers. If the site is either the US or UK, the distance unit is

This value is only returned for distance-based searches. You must specify
a buyerPostalCode and either sort by Distance, or use a combination of
the MaxDistance LocalSearch itemFilters.

type : class Finding_Distance

Declared In



Contains three URLs for item thumbnail images in standard sizes. Not
returned if the item has no images. That is, if the item was not listed
using a product identifier and the seller has not uploaded images, the
container will not be returned, even when the outputSelector is set to

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_GalleryInfoContainer *galleryInfoContainer


Contains three URLs for item thumbnail images in standard sizes. Not
returned if the item has no images. That is, if the item was not listed
using a product identifier and the seller has not uploaded images, the
container will not be returned, even when the outputSelector is set to

type : class Finding_GalleryInfoContainer

Declared In



URL for the Gallery Plus image. The size of Gallery Plus images (up to
500 pixels on the longest side) is bigger than the size of standard
gallery images. In site search results, you can view the Gallery Plus
image by hovering over or clicking the Enlarge link or magifying glass
icon. This field is only returned when the seller has opted for
the Gallery Plus option for the given item.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *galleryPlusPictureURL


URL for the Gallery Plus image. The size of Gallery Plus images (up to
500 pixels on the longest side) is bigger than the size of standard
gallery images. In site search results, you can view the Gallery Plus
image by hovering over or clicking the Enlarge link or magifying glass
icon. This field is only returned when the seller has opted for
the Gallery Plus option for the given item.

entry type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



URL for the Gallery thumbnail image. Returned only if the seller
uploaded images for the item or the item was listed using a product

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *galleryURL


URL for the Gallery thumbnail image. Returned only if the seller
uploaded images for the item or the item was listed using a product

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The identifier for the site on which the item is listed. Returns a Global
ID, which is a unique identifier that specifies the combination of the
site, language, and territory. In other eBay APIs (such as the Shopping
API), this value is know as the site ID.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *globalId


The identifier for the site on which the item is listed. Returns a Global
ID, which is a unique identifier that specifies the combination of the
site, language, and territory. In other eBay APIs (such as the Shopping
API), this value is know as the site ID.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Returns true if the item is a multi-variation listing.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *isMultiVariationListing


Returns true if the item is a multi-variation listing.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this
ID when an item is listed. ID values are unique across all eBay sites.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *itemId


The ID that uniquely identifies the item listing. eBay generates this
ID when an item is listed. ID values are unique across all eBay sites.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The format type of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_ListingInfo *listingInfo


The format type of the listing, such as online auction, fixed price, or

type : class Finding_ListingInfo

Declared In



Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. This gives a
general indication from where the item will be shipped (or delivered).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *location


Physical location of the item, as specified by the seller. This gives a
general indication from where the item will be shipped (or delivered).

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Identifies the payment method (or methods) the seller will accept for the
item (such as PayPal).

If the seller accepts only PayPal, the buyer can still pay with a
credit card. PayPal supports major credit cards.

Payment methods are not applicable to eBay Real Estate advertisement
listings or other Classified Ad listing formats.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *paymentMethod


Identifies the payment method (or methods) the seller will accept for the
item (such as PayPal).

If the seller accepts only PayPal, the buyer can still pay with a
credit card. PayPal supports major credit cards.

Payment methods are not applicable to eBay Real Estate advertisement
listings or other Classified Ad listing formats.

entry type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



URL to a picture of the item that is 400x400 pixels in size.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *pictureURLLarge


URL to a picture of the item that is 400x400 pixels in size.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



URL to a picture of the item that is 800x800 pixels in size.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *pictureURLSuperSize


URL to a picture of the item that is 800x800 pixels in size.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The postal code where the listed item is located. This field is returned
only if a postal code has been specified by the seller. eBay proximity
and local search behavior can use the combination of buyerPostalCode and
postalCode values.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *postalCode


The postal code where the listed item is located. This field is returned
only if a postal code has been specified by the seller. eBay proximity
and local search behavior can use the combination of buyerPostalCode and
postalCode values.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Details about the first (or only) category in which the item is listed.
Note that items can be listed in more than a single category.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_Category *primaryCategory


Details about the first (or only) category in which the item is listed.
Note that items can be listed in more than a single category.

type : class Finding_Category

Declared In



Unique identifier for the eBay catalog product with which the item was
listed. An eBay catalog product consists of pre-filled Item Specifics,
additional descriptive information, plus a stock photo (if available).
These product details are used to pre-fill item information, which is
used to describe the item and can also help surface the item in searches.

eBay supports the following types of product ID types: ISBN, UPC, EAN,
and ReferenceID (ePID, also known as an eBay Product Reference ID).
ReferenceID values are returned when available. A UPC, ISBN, or EAN
product identifier will be returned only when a ReferenceID is not

This productId value can be used as input with findItemsByProduct to
retrieve items that were listed with the specified eBay catalog product.

This field is only returned when a product was used to list the item.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_ProductId *productId


Unique identifier for the eBay catalog product with which the item was
listed. An eBay catalog product consists of pre-filled Item Specifics,
additional descriptive information, plus a stock photo (if available).
These product details are used to pre-fill item information, which is
used to describe the item and can also help surface the item in searches.

eBay supports the following types of product ID types: ISBN, UPC, EAN,
and ReferenceID (ePID, also known as an eBay Product Reference ID).
ReferenceID values are returned when available. A UPC, ISBN, or EAN
product identifier will be returned only when a ReferenceID is not

This productId value can be used as input with findItemsByProduct to
retrieve items that were listed with the specified eBay catalog product.

This field is only returned when a product was used to list the item.

type : class Finding_ProductId

Declared In



This is set to true if the seller accepts return of the item.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *returnsAccepted


This is set to true if the seller accepts return of the item.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



Details about the second category in which the item is listed. This
element is not returned if the seller did not specify a secondary

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_Category *secondaryCategory


Details about the second category in which the item is listed. This
element is not returned if the seller did not specify a secondary

type : class Finding_Category

Declared In



Information about the item’s seller. Only returned if SellerInfo is
specified in the outputSelector field in the request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_SellerInfo *sellerInfo


Information about the item’s seller. Only returned if SellerInfo is
specified in the outputSelector field in the request.

type : class Finding_SellerInfo

Declared In



Specifies the item’s selling status with regards to eBay’s processing

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_SellingStatus *sellingStatus


Specifies the item’s selling status with regards to eBay’s processing

type : class Finding_SellingStatus

Declared In



Container for data about a listing’s shipping details.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_ShippingInfo *shippingInfo


Container for data about a listing’s shipping details.

type : class Finding_ShippingInfo

Declared In



Information about the eBay store in which the item is listed. Only
returned if the item is listed in a store and StoreInfo is specified in
the outputSelector field in the request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_Storefront *storeInfo


Information about the eBay store in which the item is listed. Only
returned if the item is listed in a store and StoreInfo is specified in
the outputSelector field in the request.

type : class Finding_Storefront

Declared In



Subtitle of the item. Only returned if the seller included a subtitle for
the listing.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *subtitle


Subtitle of the item. Only returned if the seller included a subtitle for
the listing.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Name of the item as it appears in the listing title, or in search and
browse results.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *title


Name of the item as it appears in the listing title, or in search and
browse results.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Indicates whether the item listing is a Top-Rated Plus listing. A
Top-Rated Plus listing must meet the following requirements:

  • 14-day (or longer) return policy with Money Back option
  • 1-day Handling Time or better
  • Listed by a Top-Rated Seller

This field is returned only for the US (EBAY-US) site.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *topRatedListing


Indicates whether the item listing is a Top-Rated Plus listing. A
Top-Rated Plus listing must meet the following requirements:

  • 14-day (or longer) return policy with Money Back option
  • 1-day Handling Time or better
  • Listed by a Top-Rated Seller

This field is returned only for the US (EBAY-US) site.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



Contains information about the weight, volume or other quantity measurement of a listed
item. The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the
price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices. eBay uses the
data and the item’s listed price to calculate and display the
per-unit price on eBay EU sites.

Note: This information is currently required only for
EU business sellers, and only for listings with a Buy It Now option.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_UnitPriceInfo *unitPrice


Contains information about the weight, volume or other quantity measurement of a listed
item. The European Union requires listings for certain types of products to include the
price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices. eBay uses the
data and the item’s listed price to calculate and display the
per-unit price on eBay EU sites.

Note: This information is currently required only for
EU business sellers, and only for listings with a Buy It Now option.

type : class Finding_UnitPriceInfo

Declared In



The URL to view this specific listing on eBay.

The returned URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, the URL
is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular internet
search engines. The URL includes the item title along with other

If you enabled affiliate tracking in the call, viewItemURL contains a
string that includes affiliate tracking information.

eBay URLs returned in fields, such as <b
class=“con”>viewItemURL, are subject to syntax and other
changes without notice. To avoid problems in your application when eBay
alters the URL format, we advise you to avoid parsing eBay URLs
programmatically. We strive to ensure that other fields in the response
contain all the information that is encoded in the URL, and more.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *viewItemURL


The URL to view this specific listing on eBay.

The returned URL is optimized to support natural search. That is, the URL
is designed to make items on eBay easier to find via popular internet
search engines. The URL includes the item title along with other

If you enabled affiliate tracking in the call, viewItemURL contains a
string that includes affiliate tracking information.

eBay URLs returned in fields, such as <b
class=“con”>viewItemURL, are subject to syntax and other
changes without notice. To avoid problems in your application when eBay
alters the URL format, we advise you to avoid parsing eBay URLs
programmatically. We strive to ensure that other fields in the response
contain all the information that is encoded in the URL, and more.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
