Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_CategoryType.h


Contains details about a category.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   categoryID

    The numeric ID of a category on eBay.

    Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta
    categories. You can determine other CategoryIDs from the response from this
    call, or from a specific item (retrieved from another call like
    GetSingleItem), or from the eBay website.

  •   categoryLevel

    The level where the category fits in the site’s category hierarchy.
    For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2
    levels below the root category.

    Note that the value of CategoryLevel will always be 1 level below the level
    of the requested category. To retrieve a category’s children, pass its
    CategoryID back into the request.

  •   categoryName

    Display name of the category as it would appear on
    the eBay Web site.

  •   categoryParentID

    Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of
    the category indicated in CategoryID.

  •   categoryParentName

    Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID.

  •   itemCount

    The total quantity of matching items in the category.
    In the FindItemsAdvanced response, matching categories at the same level
    (i.e., sibling categories) are sorted by ItemCount. That is, if the request
    specifies that fewer categories or subcategories should be returned,
    the ones with the most matching items are returned first.

  •   categoryNamePath

    The fully qualified category display name as it would appear on the
    eBay site (e.g., Home & Garden:Kitchen:Tools & Gadgets).

  •   categoryIDPath

    The fully qualified category ID (e.g., 11700:20625:20635 for Home &
    Garden:Kitchen:Tools & Gadgets).

  •   leafCategory

    If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf
    category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also
    expired or virtual).

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



The numeric ID of a category on eBay.

Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta
categories. You can determine other CategoryIDs from the response from this
call, or from a specific item (retrieved from another call like
GetSingleItem), or from the eBay website.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryID


The numeric ID of a category on eBay.

Use an ID of -1 to retrieve the root category and the top-level (level 1) meta
categories. You can determine other CategoryIDs from the response from this
call, or from a specific item (retrieved from another call like
GetSingleItem), or from the eBay website.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The fully qualified category ID (e.g., 11700:20625:20635 for Home &
Garden:Kitchen:Tools & Gadgets).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryIDPath


The fully qualified category ID (e.g., 11700:20625:20635 for Home &
Garden:Kitchen:Tools & Gadgets).

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The level where the category fits in the site’s category hierarchy.
For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2
levels below the root category.

Note that the value of CategoryLevel will always be 1 level below the level
of the requested category. To retrieve a category’s children, pass its
CategoryID back into the request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *categoryLevel


The level where the category fits in the site’s category hierarchy.
For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is 2
levels below the root category.

Note that the value of CategoryLevel will always be 1 level below the level
of the requested category. To retrieve a category’s children, pass its
CategoryID back into the request.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Display name of the category as it would appear on
the eBay Web site.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryName


Display name of the category as it would appear on
the eBay Web site.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The fully qualified category display name as it would appear on the
eBay site (e.g., Home & Garden:Kitchen:Tools & Gadgets).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryNamePath


The fully qualified category display name as it would appear on the
eBay site (e.g., Home & Garden:Kitchen:Tools & Gadgets).

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of
the category indicated in CategoryID.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryParentID


Category ID identifying a category that is an ancestor of
the category indicated in CategoryID.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryParentName


Display name of the category indicated in CategoryParentID.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The total quantity of matching items in the category.
In the FindItemsAdvanced response, matching categories at the same level
(i.e., sibling categories) are sorted by ItemCount. That is, if the request
specifies that fewer categories or subcategories should be returned,
the ones with the most matching items are returned first.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *itemCount


The total quantity of matching items in the category.
In the FindItemsAdvanced response, matching categories at the same level
(i.e., sibling categories) are sorted by ItemCount. That is, if the request
specifies that fewer categories or subcategories should be returned,
the ones with the most matching items are returned first.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf
category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also
expired or virtual).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *leafCategory


If true, indicates that the category indicated in CategoryID is a leaf
category, in which items may be listed (if the category is not also
expired or virtual).

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In
