Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_ErrorType.h


These are request errors (as opposed to system errors) that occur due to problems
with business-level data (e.g., an invalid combination of arguments) that
the application passed in.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   shortMessage

    A brief description of the condition that raised the error.

  •   longMessage

    A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.

  •   errorCode

    A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred.
    Your application can use error codes as identifiers
    in your customized error-handling algorithms.

  •   userDisplayHint

    This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services.
    Indicates whether the error message text is intended to be displayed to
    an end user or intended only to be parsed by the application.
    If true or not present (the default), the message text is intended for the end user. If false, the message text is intended for
    the application, and the application should translate the error into a more appropriate message.

  •   severityCode

    Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail.

    If the request fails and the source of the problem is within the
    application (such as a missing required element), please change the
    application before you retry the request. If the problem is due to
    end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and
    provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the
    application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request
    to eBay.

    If the source of the problem is on eBay’s side, you can retry the
    request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice).
    If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the
    problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original

    When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business
    data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the
    original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or
    nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or
    eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from
    reoccurring in the future.

  •   errorParameters

    Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that
    contain contextual information about the error. This is often the
    field or value that triggered the error.
    You can usually predict where these will
    occur by looking at the “replaceable_value” indicators in our
    Errors by Number page.

  •   errorClassification

    API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *errorClassification


API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

type: string constant in Shopping_ErrorClassificationCodeType.h

Declared In



A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred.
Your application can use error codes as identifiers
in your customized error-handling algorithms.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *errorCode


A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred.
Your application can use error codes as identifiers
in your customized error-handling algorithms.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that
contain contextual information about the error. This is often the
field or value that triggered the error.
You can usually predict where these will
occur by looking at the “replaceable_value” indicators in our
Errors by Number page.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *errorParameters


Some warning and error messages return one or more variables that
contain contextual information about the error. This is often the
field or value that triggered the error.
You can usually predict where these will
occur by looking at the “replaceable_value” indicators in our
Errors by Number page.

entry type : class Shopping_ErrorParameterType

Declared In



A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *longMessage


A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail.

If the request fails and the source of the problem is within the
application (such as a missing required element), please change the
application before you retry the request. If the problem is due to
end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and
provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the
application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request
to eBay.

If the source of the problem is on eBay’s side, you can retry the
request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice).
If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the
problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business
data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the
original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or
nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or
eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from
reoccurring in the future.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *severityCode


Indicates whether the error caused the request to fail.

If the request fails and the source of the problem is within the
application (such as a missing required element), please change the
application before you retry the request. If the problem is due to
end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and
provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the
application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request
to eBay.

If the source of the problem is on eBay’s side, you can retry the
request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice).
If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the
problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business
data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the
original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or
nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or
eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from
reoccurring in the future.

type: string constant in Shopping_SeverityCodeType.h

Declared In



A brief description of the condition that raised the error.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *shortMessage


A brief description of the condition that raised the error.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services.
Indicates whether the error message text is intended to be displayed to
an end user or intended only to be parsed by the application.
If true or not present (the default), the message text is intended for the end user. If false, the message text is intended for
the application, and the application should translate the error into a more appropriate message.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *userDisplayHint


This field is not currently in use for eBay Shopping Web Services.
Indicates whether the error message text is intended to be displayed to
an end user or intended only to be parsed by the application.
If true or not present (the default), the message text is intended for the end user. If false, the message text is intended for
the application, and the application should translate the error into a more appropriate message.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In
