Inherits from Shopping_AbstractRequestType : NSObject
Declared in Shopping_FindProductsRequestType.h


Searches for stock product information.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   includeSelector

    Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the

    If you don’t specify this field, the call returns a default
    set of fields, focusing on product details only

  •   availableItemsOnly

    If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to
    pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site.
    If false, retrieve all products that match the query.
    This is useful when you use QueryKeywords and you only want to
    find products that have associated items (that is, where ItemArray
    would not beempty).

    This does not retrieve ItemArray; this only controls which
    products are returned (or counted). To retrieve ItemArray,
    pass Items in IncludeSelector.

  •   domainName

    A domain to search in. This is like searching a section of
    a catalog. If not specified, the product search is conducted
    across all domains.
    DomainName is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want
    to specify multiple values, use an index value (not a comma).
    For example, to specify DomainName=Textbooks,Education,
    specify DomainName(0)=Textbooks,%20Education.
    To determine valid domain names,
    first use this call with QueryKeywords. Domain names are returned
    for each product (and summarized in the domain histogram, if you
    specify DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector).

    A domain is a named grouping of categories whose items share
    common product characteristics. For example, all bound books
    have a binding or format (e.g., Hardcover), but audiobooks don’t.
    So audiobooks would have their own domain.
    To limit your search to audiobooks, you would specify Audiobooks
    as the domain.

    Only useful when QueryKeywords is specified. If you use this with
    ProductID, AND logic is applied. In this case, if you specify an
    ID that doesn’t match the domain (as eBay has defined it),
    no matching product will be found. Therefore, we recommend that you only use DomainName with QueryKeywords.

  •   productID

    Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product.
    Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to
    indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.

    The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
    ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

  •   queryKeywords

    One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search,
    eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the
    product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns
    a list of matching products, with no items. To retrieve
    items, use ProductID instead. (If you don’t already have a
    product ID, you can get product IDs from the
    response after conducting a keyword search.)

    If specified, you must pass in at least 3 alphanumeric characters.

    The words “and” and “or” are treated like any other word.
    Only use “and”, “or”, or “the” if you are searching for products
    containing these words.
    To use AND or OR logic, use eBay’s standard search string
    modifiers. Wildcards (+, -, or *) are also supported.
    Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and

    Some keyword queries can result in response times of 30 seconds or
    longer. If more than 2000 matches are found, the call fails with
    an error. If this kind of error occurs, refine the search by
    passing in more keywords and/or by using DomainName to restrict
    the search to certain domains (such as DVDs).
    If you are searching for a particular book, DVD, CD, or video game
    and you already know its ISBN or EAN (for a book) or UPC,
    consider using ProductID instead to retrieve more
    precise results.

    The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
    ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

  •   productSort

    Sorts the list of products returned. This is mostly only useful
    with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only
    returns one product.)
    Also see SortOrder. If ProductSort and SortOrder are not
    specified, products are sorted by popularity in descending order.

  •   sortOrder

    Sorts search results in ascending or descending order.
    Only applicable with ProductSort. If you specify ProductSort
    without SortOrder, the order defaults to Descending for
    all criteria except Title (which defaults to Ascending).

  •   maxEntries

    Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page
    in a single call. This is mostly only useful
    with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only
    returns one product, and up to 200 items for that product.)

  •   pageNumber

    Specifies which page of data to return in the current call.
    Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of
    pages available (which you determine by examining the results of
    your initial request).

  •   categoryID

    Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your
    query to a specific category.

    The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
    ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

  •   hideDuplicateItems

    Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results.
    When set to true, and there are duplicate items for an item in the
    search results, the subsequent duplicates will not appear in the
    Item listings are considered duplicates in the following

    • Items are listed by the same seller
    • Items have exactly the same item title
    • Items have similar listing formats
      • Auctions: Auction Items, Auction BIN items, Multi-Quantity Auctions, and Multi-Quantity Auctions BIN items
      • Fixed Price: Fixed Price, Multi-quantity Fixed Price, Fixed Price with Best Offer, and Store Inventory Format items
      • Classified Ads

    For Auctions, items must also have the same price and number of bids to
    be considered duplicates.

    Filtering of duplicate item listings is not supported on all sites.
    For FindProducts, this filter only works when IncludeSelector is set to Items or Details.




If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to
pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site.
If false, retrieve all products that match the query.
This is useful when you use QueryKeywords and you only want to
find products that have associated items (that is, where ItemArray
would not beempty).

This does not retrieve ItemArray; this only controls which
products are returned (or counted). To retrieve ItemArray,
pass Items in IncludeSelector.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *availableItemsOnly


If true, only retrieve data for products that have been used to
pre-fill active listings on the specified eBay site.
If false, retrieve all products that match the query.
This is useful when you use QueryKeywords and you only want to
find products that have associated items (that is, where ItemArray
would not beempty).

This does not retrieve ItemArray; this only controls which
products are returned (or counted). To retrieve ItemArray,
pass Items in IncludeSelector.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your
query to a specific category.

The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryID


Include a Category ID number in your request to restrict your
query to a specific category.

The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



A domain to search in. This is like searching a section of
a catalog. If not specified, the product search is conducted
across all domains.
DomainName is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want
to specify multiple values, use an index value (not a comma).
For example, to specify DomainName=Textbooks,Education,
specify DomainName(0)=Textbooks,%20Education.
To determine valid domain names,
first use this call with QueryKeywords. Domain names are returned
for each product (and summarized in the domain histogram, if you
specify DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector).

A domain is a named grouping of categories whose items share
common product characteristics. For example, all bound books
have a binding or format (e.g., Hardcover), but audiobooks don’t.
So audiobooks would have their own domain.
To limit your search to audiobooks, you would specify Audiobooks
as the domain.

Only useful when QueryKeywords is specified. If you use this with
ProductID, AND logic is applied. In this case, if you specify an
ID that doesn’t match the domain (as eBay has defined it),
no matching product will be found. Therefore, we recommend that you only use DomainName with QueryKeywords.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *domainName


A domain to search in. This is like searching a section of
a catalog. If not specified, the product search is conducted
across all domains.
DomainName is an unbounded field. If you are using a URL, and you want
to specify multiple values, use an index value (not a comma).
For example, to specify DomainName=Textbooks,Education,
specify DomainName(0)=Textbooks,%20Education.
To determine valid domain names,
first use this call with QueryKeywords. Domain names are returned
for each product (and summarized in the domain histogram, if you
specify DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector).

A domain is a named grouping of categories whose items share
common product characteristics. For example, all bound books
have a binding or format (e.g., Hardcover), but audiobooks don’t.
So audiobooks would have their own domain.
To limit your search to audiobooks, you would specify Audiobooks
as the domain.

Only useful when QueryKeywords is specified. If you use this with
ProductID, AND logic is applied. In this case, if you specify an
ID that doesn’t match the domain (as eBay has defined it),
no matching product will be found. Therefore, we recommend that you only use DomainName with QueryKeywords.

entry type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results.
When set to true, and there are duplicate items for an item in the
search results, the subsequent duplicates will not appear in the
Item listings are considered duplicates in the following

  • Items are listed by the same seller
  • Items have exactly the same item title
  • Items have similar listing formats
    • Auctions: Auction Items, Auction BIN items, Multi-Quantity Auctions, and Multi-Quantity Auctions BIN items
    • Fixed Price: Fixed Price, Multi-quantity Fixed Price, Fixed Price with Best Offer, and Store Inventory Format items
    • Classified Ads

For Auctions, items must also have the same price and number of bids to
be considered duplicates.

Filtering of duplicate item listings is not supported on all sites.
For FindProducts, this filter only works when IncludeSelector is set to Items or Details.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *hideDuplicateItems


Specifies whether or not to remove duplicate items from search results.
When set to true, and there are duplicate items for an item in the
search results, the subsequent duplicates will not appear in the
Item listings are considered duplicates in the following

  • Items are listed by the same seller
  • Items have exactly the same item title
  • Items have similar listing formats
    • Auctions: Auction Items, Auction BIN items, Multi-Quantity Auctions, and Multi-Quantity Auctions BIN items
    • Fixed Price: Fixed Price, Multi-quantity Fixed Price, Fixed Price with Best Offer, and Store Inventory Format items
    • Classified Ads

For Auctions, items must also have the same price and number of bids to
be considered duplicates.

Filtering of duplicate item listings is not supported on all sites.
For FindProducts, this filter only works when IncludeSelector is set to Items or Details.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the

If you don’t specify this field, the call returns a default
set of fields, focusing on product details only

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *includeSelector


Defines standard subsets of fields to return within the

If you don’t specify this field, the call returns a default
set of fields, focusing on product details only

Declared In



Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page
in a single call. This is mostly only useful
with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only
returns one product, and up to 200 items for that product.)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *maxEntries


Specifies the maximum number of products to return per page
in a single call. This is mostly only useful
with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only
returns one product, and up to 200 items for that product.)

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Specifies which page of data to return in the current call.
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of
pages available (which you determine by examining the results of
your initial request).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *pageNumber


Specifies which page of data to return in the current call.
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of
pages available (which you determine by examining the results of
your initial request).

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product.
Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to
indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.

The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_ProductIDType *productID


Use this to retrieve product details for one specific product.
Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute to
indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.

The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

type : class Shopping_ProductIDType

Declared In



Sorts the list of products returned. This is mostly only useful
with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only
returns one product.)
Also see SortOrder. If ProductSort and SortOrder are not
specified, products are sorted by popularity in descending order.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *productSort


Sorts the list of products returned. This is mostly only useful
with QueryKeywords. (When you use ProductID, eBay usually only
returns one product.)
Also see SortOrder. If ProductSort and SortOrder are not
specified, products are sorted by popularity in descending order.

type: string constant in Shopping_ProductSortCodeType.h

Declared In



One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search,
eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the
product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns
a list of matching products, with no items. To retrieve
items, use ProductID instead. (If you don’t already have a
product ID, you can get product IDs from the
response after conducting a keyword search.)

If specified, you must pass in at least 3 alphanumeric characters.

The words “and” and “or” are treated like any other word.
Only use “and”, “or”, or “the” if you are searching for products
containing these words.
To use AND or OR logic, use eBay’s standard search string
modifiers. Wildcards (+, -, or *) are also supported.
Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and

Some keyword queries can result in response times of 30 seconds or
longer. If more than 2000 matches are found, the call fails with
an error. If this kind of error occurs, refine the search by
passing in more keywords and/or by using DomainName to restrict
the search to certain domains (such as DVDs).
If you are searching for a particular book, DVD, CD, or video game
and you already know its ISBN or EAN (for a book) or UPC,
consider using ProductID instead to retrieve more
precise results.

The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *queryKeywords


One or more keywords to search for. When you use a keyword search,
eBay searches the product catalogs for matching words in the
product title, description, and/or Item Specifics, and it returns
a list of matching products, with no items. To retrieve
items, use ProductID instead. (If you don’t already have a
product ID, you can get product IDs from the
response after conducting a keyword search.)

If specified, you must pass in at least 3 alphanumeric characters.

The words “and” and “or” are treated like any other word.
Only use “and”, “or”, or “the” if you are searching for products
containing these words.
To use AND or OR logic, use eBay’s standard search string
modifiers. Wildcards (+, -, or *) are also supported.
Be careful when using spaces before or after modifiers and

Some keyword queries can result in response times of 30 seconds or
longer. If more than 2000 matches are found, the call fails with
an error. If this kind of error occurs, refine the search by
passing in more keywords and/or by using DomainName to restrict
the search to certain domains (such as DVDs).
If you are searching for a particular book, DVD, CD, or video game
and you already know its ISBN or EAN (for a book) or UPC,
consider using ProductID instead to retrieve more
precise results.

The request requires a single one of these three elements: QueryKeywords,
ProductID, or CategoryID, and can only include one of the three.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Sorts search results in ascending or descending order.
Only applicable with ProductSort. If you specify ProductSort
without SortOrder, the order defaults to Descending for
all criteria except Title (which defaults to Ascending).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *sortOrder


Sorts search results in ascending or descending order.
Only applicable with ProductSort. If you specify ProductSort
without SortOrder, the order defaults to Descending for
all criteria except Title (which defaults to Ascending).

type: string constant in Shopping_SortOrderCodeType.h

Declared In
