Inherits from Shopping_AbstractRequestType : NSObject
Declared in Shopping_FindReviewsAndGuidesRequestType.h


Splitting include reviews and guides from GetProducts.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   productID

    Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product.
    Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute
    to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.
    Same as FindProducts, supports Reference, ISBN, UPC, EAN.

    ProductID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides.
    ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.

  •   userID

    Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user.

    UserID can be combined with either ProductID or CategoryID but not both (as
    ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together).

  •   categoryID

    Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category.

    If the specified category ID doesn’t match an existing category
    for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned.
    To determine valid categories:

    Use findItemsAdvanced from the Finding API with CategoryHistogram value in the OutputSelector field
    to retrieve matching categories. Then make another
    FindReviewsAndGuides call with the ID of a matching category.

    CategoryID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides.
    ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.

  •   maxResultsPerPage

    Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. If not
    specified, the default returns 5 results per page.

  •   pageNumber

    Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
    Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages
    available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).

  •   reviewSort

    Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter,
    such as CreationTime. See the SortOrder field for values for specifying
    that results are returned in ascending or descending order.
    (By default, results are returned in descending order.)

  •   sortOrder

    Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction
    with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. The default is descending

    For example, for the ReviewsSort value of CreationTime,
    and a SortOrder value of Descending, the most recently created
    reviews are returned first.




Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category.

If the specified category ID doesn’t match an existing category
for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned.
To determine valid categories:

Use findItemsAdvanced from the Finding API with CategoryHistogram value in the OutputSelector field
to retrieve matching categories. Then make another
FindReviewsAndGuides call with the ID of a matching category.

CategoryID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides.
ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *categoryID


Specify a single CategoryID to restrict your query to a specific Guide category.

If the specified category ID doesn’t match an existing category
for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned.
To determine valid categories:

Use findItemsAdvanced from the Finding API with CategoryHistogram value in the OutputSelector field
to retrieve matching categories. Then make another
FindReviewsAndGuides call with the ID of a matching category.

CategoryID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides.
ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. If not
specified, the default returns 5 results per page.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *maxResultsPerPage


Specifies the maximum number of reviews per page (not guides) in the returned list. If not
specified, the default returns 5 results per page.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages
available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *pageNumber


Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages
available (which you determine by examining the results of your initial request).

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product.
Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute
to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.
Same as FindProducts, supports Reference, ISBN, UPC, EAN.

ProductID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides.
ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_ProductIDType *productID


Use this to retrieve reviews (not guides) for one specific product.
Specify the ID as a string, and use the type attribute
to indicate the nature of the ID you are specifying.
Same as FindProducts, supports Reference, ISBN, UPC, EAN.

ProductID can be used in combination with UserID to return Reviews and Guides.
ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together.

type : class Shopping_ProductIDType

Declared In



Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter,
such as CreationTime. See the SortOrder field for values for specifying
that results are returned in ascending or descending order.
(By default, results are returned in descending order.)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *reviewSort


Include ReviewSort in your request if you want to sort by a parameter,
such as CreationTime. See the SortOrder field for values for specifying
that results are returned in ascending or descending order.
(By default, results are returned in descending order.)

type: string constant in Shopping_ReviewSortCodeType.h

Declared In



Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction
with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. The default is descending

For example, for the ReviewsSort value of CreationTime,
and a SortOrder value of Descending, the most recently created
reviews are returned first.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *sortOrder


Sorts search results in ascending or descending order, in conjunction
with the value you specify in ReviewsSort. The default is descending

For example, for the ReviewsSort value of CreationTime,
and a SortOrder value of Descending, the most recently created
reviews are returned first.

type: string constant in Shopping_SortOrderCodeType.h

Declared In



Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user.

UserID can be combined with either ProductID or CategoryID but not both (as
ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *userID


Retrieves reviews and guides written by the specified user.

UserID can be combined with either ProductID or CategoryID but not both (as
ProductID and CategoryID cannot be used together).

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
