Inherits from Shopping_AbstractResponseType : NSObject
Declared in Shopping_FindReviewsAndGuidesResponseType.h


Find reviews and guides response type.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   reviewCount

    Number of returned reviews.

  •   buyingGuideCount

    Number of returned buying guides.

  •   reviewerRank

    Rank of reviewer if using user search.

  •   totalHelpfulnessVotes

    Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.

  •   productID

    The eBay or external IDs associated with the product.
    Use the Reference value as input to search for the same product
    in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned).
    The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys if your
    application is comparing products across different sites. Always
    returned when Product is returned.

  •   reviewsAndGuidesURL

    URL to the reviews and guides page.

  •   pageNumber

    The number of the page of data returned. If many products
    are found and multiple pages of results are available, use
    this in combination with TotalPages to decide
    which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only returns
    up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically
    2000 (if you were to set MaxResultsPerPage to 1 in the request).

  •   totalPages

    Indicates the total number of pages of data
    that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a
    value of 0 if no pages are available.

  •   buyingGuideDetails

    Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the
    query. Buying guides provide useful information about shopping
    in a particular domain, like Digital Cameras.
    For example, a digital camera buying guide
    could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera
    is right for them.
    If no buying guides are associated with the product, this only
    returns a link to the buying guide hub (the main Guides page).
    Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.

  •   reviewDetails

    Contains information about review details. Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.

  •   positiveHelpfulnessVotes

    Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.




Number of returned buying guides.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *buyingGuideCount


Number of returned buying guides.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the
query. Buying guides provide useful information about shopping
in a particular domain, like Digital Cameras.
For example, a digital camera buying guide
could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera
is right for them.
If no buying guides are associated with the product, this only
returns a link to the buying guide hub (the main Guides page).
Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_BuyingGuideDetailsType *buyingGuideDetails


Contains information for up to 5 buying guides that match the
query. Buying guides provide useful information about shopping
in a particular domain, like Digital Cameras.
For example, a digital camera buying guide
could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera
is right for them.
If no buying guides are associated with the product, this only
returns a link to the buying guide hub (the main Guides page).
Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.

type : class Shopping_BuyingGuideDetailsType

Declared In



The number of the page of data returned. If many products
are found and multiple pages of results are available, use
this in combination with TotalPages to decide
which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only returns
up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically
2000 (if you were to set MaxResultsPerPage to 1 in the request).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *pageNumber


The number of the page of data returned. If many products
are found and multiple pages of results are available, use
this in combination with TotalPages to decide
which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only returns
up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically
2000 (if you were to set MaxResultsPerPage to 1 in the request).

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *positiveHelpfulnessVotes


Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



The eBay or external IDs associated with the product.
Use the Reference value as input to search for the same product
in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned).
The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys if your
application is comparing products across different sites. Always
returned when Product is returned.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_ProductIDType *productID


The eBay or external IDs associated with the product.
Use the Reference value as input to search for the same product
in the future, or use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned).
The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys if your
application is comparing products across different sites. Always
returned when Product is returned.

type : class Shopping_ProductIDType

Declared In



Number of returned reviews.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *reviewCount


Number of returned reviews.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Contains information about review details. Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_ReviewDetailsType *reviewDetails


Contains information about review details. Count limited by MaxResultsPerPage in request.

type : class Shopping_ReviewDetailsType

Declared In



Rank of reviewer if using user search.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *reviewerRank


Rank of reviewer if using user search.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



URL to the reviews and guides page.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *reviewsAndGuidesURL


URL to the reviews and guides page.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *totalHelpfulnessVotes


Number of helpfulness votes if using user search.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Indicates the total number of pages of data
that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a
value of 0 if no pages are available.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *totalPages


Indicates the total number of pages of data
that could be returned by repeated requests. Returned with a
value of 0 if no pages are available.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In
