Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_HistogramEntryType.h


A generic histogram entry type.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   name

    This is the domain name.

    A product can be mapped to more than one domain.
    This means that even if a name appears in this histogram and the
    Count is greater than 1, you won’t necessarily see the
    same name returned for each returned product (in the Product node
    of the response). That is, Product.DomainName only
    returns the most applicable domain name (as determined by eBay).

  •   count

    This is the number of products found in the domain.
    If a product is mapped to more than one domain, it is counted separately
    for each domain. (For example, if the same product name appears in both
    Children’s Books and Fiction Books, the count for both of these
    domains will include that product.) This means you cannot sum the
    product counts to determine the total number of matching products
    across all domains. The histogram is only intended to show the number
    of matching products in each individual domain.

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



This is the number of products found in the domain.
If a product is mapped to more than one domain, it is counted separately
for each domain. (For example, if the same product name appears in both
Children’s Books and Fiction Books, the count for both of these
domains will include that product.) This means you cannot sum the
product counts to determine the total number of matching products
across all domains. The histogram is only intended to show the number
of matching products in each individual domain.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *count


This is the number of products found in the domain.
If a product is mapped to more than one domain, it is counted separately
for each domain. (For example, if the same product name appears in both
Children’s Books and Fiction Books, the count for both of these
domains will include that product.) This means you cannot sum the
product counts to determine the total number of matching products
across all domains. The histogram is only intended to show the number
of matching products in each individual domain.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



This is the domain name.

A product can be mapped to more than one domain.
This means that even if a name appears in this histogram and the
Count is greater than 1, you won’t necessarily see the
same name returned for each returned product (in the Product node
of the response). That is, Product.DomainName only
returns the most applicable domain name (as determined by eBay).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name


This is the domain name.

A product can be mapped to more than one domain.
This means that even if a name appears in this histogram and the
Count is greater than 1, you won’t necessarily see the
same name returned for each returned product (in the Product node
of the response). That is, Product.DomainName only
returns the most applicable domain name (as determined by eBay).

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
