Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_NameValueListArrayType.h


A list of one or more valid names and corresponding values.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   nameValueList

    This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific
    fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of
    these fields are different for items in different categories, so
    they’re returned in a generic name/value structure.

    For example, Item Specifics for a car might include a field like
    Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name, and Toyota is returned
    in Value) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name, and
    Prius is returned in Value).

    In multi-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both
    the VariationSpecifics node and in the ItemSpecifics node.

    For FindProducts, this can also be an Item Specific that is defined
    for a product. That is, Item Specifics can be returned both for
    items and products in FindProducts.




This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific
fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of
these fields are different for items in different categories, so
they’re returned in a generic name/value structure.

For example, Item Specifics for a car might include a field like
Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name, and Toyota is returned
in Value) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name, and
Prius is returned in Value).

In multi-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both
the VariationSpecifics node and in the ItemSpecifics node.

For FindProducts, this can also be an Item Specific that is defined
for a product. That is, Item Specifics can be returned both for
items and products in FindProducts.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *nameValueList


This list is an array of Item Specifics, which are category-specific
fields that the seller added to describe the listing. The names of
these fields are different for items in different categories, so
they’re returned in a generic name/value structure.

For example, Item Specifics for a car might include a field like
Make=Toyota (where Make is returned in Name, and Toyota is returned
in Value) and Model=Prius (where Model is returned in Name, and
Prius is returned in Value).

In multi-variation listings, the same name cannot appear in both
the VariationSpecifics node and in the ItemSpecifics node.

For FindProducts, this can also be an Item Specific that is defined
for a product. That is, Item Specifics can be returned both for
items and products in FindProducts.

entry type : class Shopping_NameValueListType

Declared In
