Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_PicturesType.h


Defines variation-specific pictures associated with one
VariationSpecificName (e.g., Color) whose values differ across variations.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   variationSpecificName

    One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the
    pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation
    is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show
    the different colors available, then specify “Color” as the name.
    The name must match one of the names specified in the
    variation specifics.

  •   variationSpecificPictureSet

    One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations.
    Multiple picture sets can be specified. For example, suppose a
    listing contains blue and black color variations, and
    VariationSpecificName=Color. In this case, one picture set could
    contain pictures of the blue shirts (e.g., front view, back view,
    and close-up of a trim detail), and another picture set could
    contain pictures of the black shirts.

    Sellers do not necessarily provide pictures for all values that
    correspond to the variation specific name.
    For example, a listing could have pictures depicting the blue and
    black color variations, but not the pink variations.

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the
pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation
is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show
the different colors available, then specify “Color” as the name.
The name must match one of the names specified in the
variation specifics.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *variationSpecificName


One aspect of the variations that will be illustrated in the
pictures for all variations. For example, if each variation
is visually distinguished by color and the pictures show
the different colors available, then specify “Color” as the name.
The name must match one of the names specified in the
variation specifics.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations.
Multiple picture sets can be specified. For example, suppose a
listing contains blue and black color variations, and
VariationSpecificName=Color. In this case, one picture set could
contain pictures of the blue shirts (e.g., front view, back view,
and close-up of a trim detail), and another picture set could
contain pictures of the black shirts.

Sellers do not necessarily provide pictures for all values that
correspond to the variation specific name.
For example, a listing could have pictures depicting the blue and
black color variations, but not the pink variations.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *variationSpecificPictureSet


One or more pictures that help buyers distinguish the Variations.
Multiple picture sets can be specified. For example, suppose a
listing contains blue and black color variations, and
VariationSpecificName=Color. In this case, one picture set could
contain pictures of the blue shirts (e.g., front view, back view,
and close-up of a trim detail), and another picture set could
contain pictures of the black shirts.

Sellers do not necessarily provide pictures for all values that
correspond to the variation specific name.
For example, a listing could have pictures depicting the blue and
black color variations, but not the pink variations.

entry type : class Shopping_VariationSpecificPictureSetType

Declared In
