Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_VATDetailsType.h


Container for eBay’s Business User features. A business seller can choose
to offer an item exclusively to bidders and buyers that also represent businesses.
Only applicable when the item is listed in a B2B-enabled category.
Currently, the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH) sites support
B2B business features.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   businessSeller

    If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user
    and intends to use listing features that are offered to
    business users only. Applicable only to business sellers
    residing in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in
    a B2B VAT- enabled category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria
    (AT), or Switzerland (CH) sites. The seller must have a valid
    VAT ID registered with eBay. This must be set to true if
    RestrictedToBusiness is true. It has no effect (and it’s not returned)
    if RestrictedToBusiness is false. If an item was not qualified as a
    business item when originally listed, but meets the conditions for
    business items when the item is revised or relisted, the seller can
    convert the item to a business item by specifying the appropriate
    VAT details. See the eBay Web Services guide for more information and additional rules.

  •   restrictedToBusiness

    If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the
    item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned),
    this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users.
    Applicable only to business sellers residing in Germany,
    Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in a B2B VAT-enabled
    category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), or Switzerland
    (CH) sites. If this argument is true, the seller must have a
    valid VAT-ID registered with eBay, and BusinessSeller must also
    be true.

  •   vatPercent

    VAT rate for the item, if any. When the VATPercent is specified, the
    item’s VAT information appears on the item’s listing page. In
    addition, the seller can choose to print an invoice that
    includes the item’s net price, VAT percent, VAT amount, and
    total price. Since VAT rates vary
    depending on the item and on the user’s country of residence, a
    seller is responsible for entering the correct VAT rate; it is
    not calculated by eBay. To specify a VATPercent, a seller must
    have a VAT-ID registered with eBay and must be listing the item on a
    VAT-enabled site. Max applicable length is 6 characters,
    including the decimal (e.g., 12.345). The scale is 3 decimal places.
    (If you pass in 12.3456, eBay may round up the value to 12.346.)
    Note: The View Item page may display the precision to 2 decimal places
    with no trailing zeros. However, the full value you send in is stored.

  •   vatSite

    Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business
    card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem
    call if the seller’s SellerBusinessCodeType is set to

  •   vatid

    Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business
    card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem
    call if the seller’s SellerBusinessCodeType is set to

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user
and intends to use listing features that are offered to
business users only. Applicable only to business sellers
residing in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in
a B2B VAT- enabled category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria
(AT), or Switzerland (CH) sites. The seller must have a valid
VAT ID registered with eBay. This must be set to true if
RestrictedToBusiness is true. It has no effect (and it’s not returned)
if RestrictedToBusiness is false. If an item was not qualified as a
business item when originally listed, but meets the conditions for
business items when the item is revised or relisted, the seller can
convert the item to a business item by specifying the appropriate
VAT details. See the eBay Web Services guide for more information and additional rules.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *businessSeller


If true, this indicates that the seller is a business user
and intends to use listing features that are offered to
business users only. Applicable only to business sellers
residing in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in
a B2B VAT- enabled category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria
(AT), or Switzerland (CH) sites. The seller must have a valid
VAT ID registered with eBay. This must be set to true if
RestrictedToBusiness is true. It has no effect (and it’s not returned)
if RestrictedToBusiness is false. If an item was not qualified as a
business item when originally listed, but meets the conditions for
business items when the item is revised or relisted, the seller can
convert the item to a business item by specifying the appropriate
VAT details. See the eBay Web Services guide for more information and additional rules.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the
item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned),
this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users.
Applicable only to business sellers residing in Germany,
Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in a B2B VAT-enabled
category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), or Switzerland
(CH) sites. If this argument is true, the seller must have a
valid VAT-ID registered with eBay, and BusinessSeller must also
be true.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *restrictedToBusiness


If true, this indicates that the seller elects to offer the
item exclusively to business users. If false (or not returned),
this indicates that the seller elects to offer the item to all users.
Applicable only to business sellers residing in Germany,
Austria, or Switzerland who are listing in a B2B VAT-enabled
category on the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), or Switzerland
(CH) sites. If this argument is true, the seller must have a
valid VAT-ID registered with eBay, and BusinessSeller must also
be true.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



VAT rate for the item, if any. When the VATPercent is specified, the
item’s VAT information appears on the item’s listing page. In
addition, the seller can choose to print an invoice that
includes the item’s net price, VAT percent, VAT amount, and
total price. Since VAT rates vary
depending on the item and on the user’s country of residence, a
seller is responsible for entering the correct VAT rate; it is
not calculated by eBay. To specify a VATPercent, a seller must
have a VAT-ID registered with eBay and must be listing the item on a
VAT-enabled site. Max applicable length is 6 characters,
including the decimal (e.g., 12.345). The scale is 3 decimal places.
(If you pass in 12.3456, eBay may round up the value to 12.346.)
Note: The View Item page may display the precision to 2 decimal places
with no trailing zeros. However, the full value you send in is stored.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *vatPercent


VAT rate for the item, if any. When the VATPercent is specified, the
item’s VAT information appears on the item’s listing page. In
addition, the seller can choose to print an invoice that
includes the item’s net price, VAT percent, VAT amount, and
total price. Since VAT rates vary
depending on the item and on the user’s country of residence, a
seller is responsible for entering the correct VAT rate; it is
not calculated by eBay. To specify a VATPercent, a seller must
have a VAT-ID registered with eBay and must be listing the item on a
VAT-enabled site. Max applicable length is 6 characters,
including the decimal (e.g., 12.345). The scale is 3 decimal places.
(If you pass in 12.3456, eBay may round up the value to 12.346.)
Note: The View Item page may display the precision to 2 decimal places
with no trailing zeros. However, the full value you send in is stored.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive float

Declared In



Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business
card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem
call if the seller’s SellerBusinessCodeType is set to

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *vatSite


Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business
card format) as part of the data returned in GetSingleItem
call if the seller’s SellerBusinessCodeType is set to

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business
card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem
call if the seller’s SellerBusinessCodeType is set to

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *vatid


Displays the VatSite Id of the seller (in a business
card format) as part of the data returned in the GetSingleItem
call if the seller’s SellerBusinessCodeType is set to

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
