Inherits from Finding_BaseServiceResponse : NSObject
Declared in Finding_BaseFindingServiceResponse.h


Base response container for all Finding Service operations.

@ingroup FindingServicePortType


  •   searchResult

    Container for the item listings that matched the search criteria.
    The data for each item is returned in individual containers, if
    any matches were found.

  •   paginationOutput

    Indicates the pagination of the result set. Child elements indicate
    the page number that is returned, the maximum number of item listings
    to return per page, total number of pages that can be returned, and
    the total number of listings that match the search criteria.

  •   itemSearchURL

    A URL to view the search results on the eBay web site. The search
    results on the web site will use the same pagination as the API
    search results.

    eBay URLs returned in fields, such as <b
    class=“con”>viewItemURL, are subject to syntax and other
    changes without notice. To avoid problems in your application when
    eBay alters the URL format, we advise you to avoid parsing eBay URLs
    programmatically. We strive to ensure that other fields in the
    response contain all the information that is encoded in the URL, and

  •   extension

    Reserved for future use.




Reserved for future use.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *extension


Reserved for future use.

entry type : class Finding_ExtensionType

Declared In



A URL to view the search results on the eBay web site. The search
results on the web site will use the same pagination as the API
search results.

eBay URLs returned in fields, such as <b
class=“con”>viewItemURL, are subject to syntax and other
changes without notice. To avoid problems in your application when
eBay alters the URL format, we advise you to avoid parsing eBay URLs
programmatically. We strive to ensure that other fields in the
response contain all the information that is encoded in the URL, and

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *itemSearchURL


A URL to view the search results on the eBay web site. The search
results on the web site will use the same pagination as the API
search results.

eBay URLs returned in fields, such as <b
class=“con”>viewItemURL, are subject to syntax and other
changes without notice. To avoid problems in your application when
eBay alters the URL format, we advise you to avoid parsing eBay URLs
programmatically. We strive to ensure that other fields in the
response contain all the information that is encoded in the URL, and

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Indicates the pagination of the result set. Child elements indicate
the page number that is returned, the maximum number of item listings
to return per page, total number of pages that can be returned, and
the total number of listings that match the search criteria.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_PaginationOutput *paginationOutput


Indicates the pagination of the result set. Child elements indicate
the page number that is returned, the maximum number of item listings
to return per page, total number of pages that can be returned, and
the total number of listings that match the search criteria.

type : class Finding_PaginationOutput

Declared In



Container for the item listings that matched the search criteria.
The data for each item is returned in individual containers, if
any matches were found.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_SearchResult *searchResult


Container for the item listings that matched the search criteria.
The data for each item is returned in individual containers, if
any matches were found.

type : class Finding_SearchResult

Declared In
