Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_CatalogProductType.h


Information about an eBay catalog product.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   domainName

    The name of the domain in which the product was found.
    If the product is mapped to multiple domains, eBay returns
    the most applicable domain (as determined by eBay).
    Always returned when Product is returned.

  •   detailsURL

    Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product,
    such as a movie’s description or film credits. This information
    is hosted through the eBay Web site and it cannot be edited.
    Portions of the content are protected by copyright.
    Applications can include this URL as a link in product search results
    so that end users can view additional descriptive details about
    the product. This is usually always returned when Product is returned,
    but it may be safest to check for the existence of this field.

  •   displayStockPhotos

    If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that
    are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display
    any stock photos that are returned. This recommendation is useful for
    catalog data related to products like coins, where stock photos are not
    necessarily applicable or available. An application with a graphical
    user interface can use this flag to determine
    when to hide customized stock photo widgets.
    Always returned when Product is returned.

  •   productID

    The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. Use the Reference
    value as input to search for the same product in the future, or
    use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned).
    The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys
    if your application is comparing products across different sites.
    Always returned when Product is returned.

  •   itemCount

    Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use
    stock information from this catalog product. This value can be greater
    than the number of listings returned in ItemArray. To retrieve more
    listings, use the Finding API.
    Only returned when you search by ProductID (and you pass
    Items or Details in IncludeSelector).

  •   itemSpecifics

    A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's
    pre-filled Item Specifics. These indicate common aspects or
    characteristics of the product, such as Publisher (for a book).
    Also see ProductID for ISBN, UPC, or EAN values, if applicable.
    This is usually returned. (We are not aware of any cases in which this
    node is not be returned. However, it may be safest to check for the
    existence of this node.)

  •   reviewCount

    The total number of reviews that are available for this product
    on the eBay Web site. This can be greater than the number of
    reviews returned by FindProducts. In a future release, we will provide
    the capability to retrieve details about reviews.
    Always returned when Product is returned.

  •   stockPhotoURL

    Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated
    with the eBay catalog product. The URL is for the image eBay
    usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall).
    It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo
    programmatically before displaying it.
    Only returned if a URL is available for the product.

  •   title

    The title of the product, as specified in the catalog.
    Always returned when Product is returned.

  •   productState

    Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a
    migration from one catalog to another catalog). Typically, this field is returned
    for up to 90 days for a given product. After that, the product either no longer
    returns this field or the product is no longer returned (depending on the state
    change). As of mid-2008, this data is primarily applicable to catalogs used by the
    US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. Other sites may undergo catalog
    changes in the future.

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product,
such as a movie’s description or film credits. This information
is hosted through the eBay Web site and it cannot be edited.
Portions of the content are protected by copyright.
Applications can include this URL as a link in product search results
so that end users can view additional descriptive details about
the product. This is usually always returned when Product is returned,
but it may be safest to check for the existence of this field.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *detailsURL


Fully qualified URL for optional information about the product,
such as a movie’s description or film credits. This information
is hosted through the eBay Web site and it cannot be edited.
Portions of the content are protected by copyright.
Applications can include this URL as a link in product search results
so that end users can view additional descriptive details about
the product. This is usually always returned when Product is returned,
but it may be safest to check for the existence of this field.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that
are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display
any stock photos that are returned. This recommendation is useful for
catalog data related to products like coins, where stock photos are not
necessarily applicable or available. An application with a graphical
user interface can use this flag to determine
when to hide customized stock photo widgets.
Always returned when Product is returned.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *displayStockPhotos


If true, your application can attempt to display stock photos that
are returned. If false, your application should not attempt to display
any stock photos that are returned. This recommendation is useful for
catalog data related to products like coins, where stock photos are not
necessarily applicable or available. An application with a graphical
user interface can use this flag to determine
when to hide customized stock photo widgets.
Always returned when Product is returned.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



The name of the domain in which the product was found.
If the product is mapped to multiple domains, eBay returns
the most applicable domain (as determined by eBay).
Always returned when Product is returned.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *domainName


The name of the domain in which the product was found.
If the product is mapped to multiple domains, eBay returns
the most applicable domain (as determined by eBay).
Always returned when Product is returned.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use
stock information from this catalog product. This value can be greater
than the number of listings returned in ItemArray. To retrieve more
listings, use the Finding API.
Only returned when you search by ProductID (and you pass
Items or Details in IncludeSelector).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *itemCount


Total number of listings on the requested eBay site that use
stock information from this catalog product. This value can be greater
than the number of listings returned in ItemArray. To retrieve more
listings, use the Finding API.
Only returned when you search by ProductID (and you pass
Items or Details in IncludeSelector).

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's
pre-filled Item Specifics. These indicate common aspects or
characteristics of the product, such as Publisher (for a book).
Also see ProductID for ISBN, UPC, or EAN values, if applicable.
This is usually returned. (We are not aware of any cases in which this
node is not be returned. However, it may be safest to check for the
existence of this node.)

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_NameValueListArrayType *itemSpecifics


A list of name/value pairs that are included in the product's
pre-filled Item Specifics. These indicate common aspects or
characteristics of the product, such as Publisher (for a book).
Also see ProductID for ISBN, UPC, or EAN values, if applicable.
This is usually returned. (We are not aware of any cases in which this
node is not be returned. However, it may be safest to check for the
existence of this node.)

type : class Shopping_NameValueListArrayType

Declared In



The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. Use the Reference
value as input to search for the same product in the future, or
use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned).
The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys
if your application is comparing products across different sites.
Always returned when Product is returned.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *productID


The eBay or external IDs associated with the product. Use the Reference
value as input to search for the same product in the future, or
use the ISBN, EAN, or UPC value (if returned).
The ISBN, EAN, and UPC values can also be useful as keys
if your application is comparing products across different sites.
Always returned when Product is returned.

entry type : class Shopping_ProductIDType

Declared In



Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a
migration from one catalog to another catalog). Typically, this field is returned
for up to 90 days for a given product. After that, the product either no longer
returns this field or the product is no longer returned (depending on the state
change). As of mid-2008, this data is primarily applicable to catalogs used by the
US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. Other sites may undergo catalog
changes in the future.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *productState


Indicates that the product has changed or will soon change (usually due to a
migration from one catalog to another catalog). Typically, this field is returned
for up to 90 days for a given product. After that, the product either no longer
returns this field or the product is no longer returned (depending on the state
change). As of mid-2008, this data is primarily applicable to catalogs used by the
US, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland sites. Other sites may undergo catalog
changes in the future.

type: string constant in Shopping_ProductStateCodeType.h

Declared In



The total number of reviews that are available for this product
on the eBay Web site. This can be greater than the number of
reviews returned by FindProducts. In a future release, we will provide
the capability to retrieve details about reviews.
Always returned when Product is returned.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *reviewCount


The total number of reviews that are available for this product
on the eBay Web site. This can be greater than the number of
reviews returned by FindProducts. In a future release, we will provide
the capability to retrieve details about reviews.
Always returned when Product is returned.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated
with the eBay catalog product. The URL is for the image eBay
usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall).
It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo
programmatically before displaying it.
Only returned if a URL is available for the product.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *stockPhotoURL


Fully qualified URL for a stock image (if any) that is associated
with the eBay catalog product. The URL is for the image eBay
usually displays in product search results (usually 70px tall).
It may be helpful to calculate the dimensions of the photo
programmatically before displaying it.
Only returned if a URL is available for the product.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In



The title of the product, as specified in the catalog.
Always returned when Product is returned.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *title


The title of the product, as specified in the catalog.
Always returned when Product is returned.

type : NSString, wrapper for primitive string

Declared In
