Inherits from Shopping_AbstractResponseType : NSObject
Declared in Shopping_FindProductsResponseType.h


Returns stock product information in eBay catalogs, such as
information about a particular DVD or camera. Optionally,
also returns items that match the product.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   approximatePages

    The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same
    query and filters in the request. As FindProducts only returns
    up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically
    2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the request).

  •   moreResults

    If true, more pages of results are available.
    That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages.

  •   domainHistogram

    A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains
    in which they were found. A domain describes a set of
    categories that share certain common characteristics (as determined by eBay).
    Each domain has its own name and ID. Only returned when you specify
    DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector.

  •   itemArray

    A list of active items that were listed with the requested

    ItemArray is returned only when you use ProductID in the search request
    (not QueryKeywords) and you set IncludeSelector to Details or Items.
    Returned only if eBay has currently matching items.

  •   pageNumber

    The number of the page of data returned. If many products
    are found and multiple pages of results are available, use
    this in combination with ApproximatePages and MoreResults
    to decide which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only
    returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is
    theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the

  •   product

    An eBay catalog product. This contains stock information about a particular
    DVD, camera, set of golf clubs, or other product. When you use QueryKeywords
    in the request, FindProducts returns a maximum of 20 products per page. When
    you use ProductID in the request, FindProducts usually only returns 1 product
    by default. (If more than one product matches the same ProductID, FindProducts
    will return all of those products. As of the time of this writing, we expect
    this to be a rare case.)

  •   totalProducts

    The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are
    found, the call fails with an error.)

  •   duplicateItems

    Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this
    response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request.




The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same
query and filters in the request. As FindProducts only returns
up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically
2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the request).

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *approximatePages


The total number of pages that can be returned, given the same
query and filters in the request. As FindProducts only returns
up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is theoretically
2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the request).

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains
in which they were found. A domain describes a set of
categories that share certain common characteristics (as determined by eBay).
Each domain has its own name and ID. Only returned when you specify
DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_DomainHistogramType *domainHistogram


A histogram that lists the number of matching products found and the domains
in which they were found. A domain describes a set of
categories that share certain common characteristics (as determined by eBay).
Each domain has its own name and ID. Only returned when you specify
DomainHistogram in IncludeSelector.

type : class Shopping_DomainHistogramType

Declared In



Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this
response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *duplicateItems


Indicates whether there are duplicated items not returned by this
response when HideDuplicateItems is true in the request.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



A list of active items that were listed with the requested

ItemArray is returned only when you use ProductID in the search request
(not QueryKeywords) and you set IncludeSelector to Details or Items.
Returned only if eBay has currently matching items.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_SimpleItemArrayType *itemArray


A list of active items that were listed with the requested

ItemArray is returned only when you use ProductID in the search request
(not QueryKeywords) and you set IncludeSelector to Details or Items.
Returned only if eBay has currently matching items.

type : class Shopping_SimpleItemArrayType

Declared In



If true, more pages of results are available.
That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *moreResults


If true, more pages of results are available.
That is, PageNumber is less than ApproximatePages.

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive bool

Declared In



The number of the page of data returned. If many products
are found and multiple pages of results are available, use
this in combination with ApproximatePages and MoreResults
to decide which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only
returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is
theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *pageNumber


The number of the page of data returned. If many products
are found and multiple pages of results are available, use
this in combination with ApproximatePages and MoreResults
to decide which page to retrieve next. As FindProducts only
returns up to 2000 products, the maximum possible value is
theoretically 2000 (if you were to set MaxEntries to 1 in the

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In



An eBay catalog product. This contains stock information about a particular
DVD, camera, set of golf clubs, or other product. When you use QueryKeywords
in the request, FindProducts returns a maximum of 20 products per page. When
you use ProductID in the request, FindProducts usually only returns 1 product
by default. (If more than one product matches the same ProductID, FindProducts
will return all of those products. As of the time of this writing, we expect
this to be a rare case.)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *product


An eBay catalog product. This contains stock information about a particular
DVD, camera, set of golf clubs, or other product. When you use QueryKeywords
in the request, FindProducts returns a maximum of 20 products per page. When
you use ProductID in the request, FindProducts usually only returns 1 product
by default. (If more than one product matches the same ProductID, FindProducts
will return all of those products. As of the time of this writing, we expect
this to be a rare case.)

entry type : class Shopping_CatalogProductType

Declared In



The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are
found, the call fails with an error.)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *totalProducts


The total number of matching products found. (If more than 2000 products are
found, the call fails with an error.)

type : NSNumber, wrapper for primitive int

Declared In
