I just read an interesting post How Does JAXB Compare to Simple, since I have just built a leight-weight xml and json binding framework called Nano, in this post I’ll run a similar comparison between Nano and JAXB. By the way, since I am a lazy developer, I shamelessly copied much content from that post:), anyway, part of the content of this post should be contributed to the original author of that post.
Java Model
We will use the following model for this example. The classes represent customer data. The get/set methods have been omitted to save space.
The following instance of Customer will be marshalled to XML using both Nano and JAXB.
packagecom.leansoft.domain.nano;publicclassData{publicstaticCustomerCUSTOMER;static{CUSTOMER=newCustomer();CUSTOMER.setId(123);CUSTOMER.setName("Jane Doe");Addressaddress=newAddress();address.setStreet("1 A Street");address.setCity("Any Town");CUSTOMER.setAddress(address);PhoneNumberworkPhoneNumber=newPhoneNumber();workPhoneNumber.setType("work");workPhoneNumber.setNumber("555-WORK");CUSTOMER.getPhoneNumbers().add(workPhoneNumber);PhoneNumbercellPhoneNumber=newPhoneNumber();cellPhoneNumber.setType("cell");cellPhoneNumber.setNumber("555-CELL");CUSTOMER.getPhoneNumbers().add(cellPhoneNumber);}}
Marshall Code
This is the code we will use to convert the objects to XML.
The following code will be used to marshall the instance of Customer to an OutputStream.
The Nano code is quite compact. A little technical details here, the xmlWriter instance got from NanoFactory is thread safe, and unlike JAXB, Nano internally uses an on-demand strategy to scan mapping metadata before real marshalling (and unmarshalling), metadata scan happens once per class, and then the mapping metadata will be cached.
The following code will be used to marshall the instance of Customer to an OutputStream. A couple of differences are already apparent:
A JAXBContext needs to be initialized on the binding metadata before the marshal operation can occur. This initialization enables JAXB to optimize how the convertion will be done. The JAXB Context is thread safe and only needs to be created once.
Unlike Nano, JAXB does not format the XML by default, so we will enable this feature.
With no metadata specified we need to supply JAXB with a root element name (and namespace).
<customer><id>123</id><address><street>1 A Street</street><city>Any Town</city></address><name>Jane Doe</name><phoneNumbers><number>555-WORK</number><type>work</type></phoneNumbers><phoneNumbers><number>555-CELL</number><type>cell</type></phoneNumbers></customer>
JAXB will produces the followinig XML.
<customer><address><city>Any Town</city><street>1 A Street</street></address><id>123</id><name>Jane Doe</name><phoneNumbers><number>555-WORK</number><type>work</type></phoneNumbers><phoneNumbers><number>555-CELL</number><type>cell</type></phoneNumbers></customer>
Field Access
For this example we will configure our XML binding tools to interact directly with the fields(instance variables).
Nano uses field access by default and only supports field access.
By default JAXB will access public fields and properties. We can configure JAXB to use field access with the following package level annotation:
Next we will look at how to tweak the XML output using the appropriate mapping metadata. First we will rename some elements. As you will see the amount of configuration requried is almost identical.
For Nano, we will use @Element with a name parameter to configure the phoneNumbers property.
At this point the same XML is being produced by Nano and JAXB.
<customer><id>123</id><name>Jane Doe</name><address><city>Any Town</city><street>1 A Street</street></address><phone-number><type>work</type><number>555-WORK</number></phone-number><phone-number><type>cell</type><number>555-CELL</number></phone-number></customer>
Change the Order of Elements
We will tweak the document again to make sure that when marshalling an Address object the “street” element will always appear before the “city” element.
Current Nano framework does not support this feature.
For JAXB we will use @XmlType to configure the ordering of elements.
<customer><id>123</id><name>Jane Doe</name><address><street>1 A Street</street><city>Any Town</city></address><phone-number><type>work</type><number>555-WORK</number></phone-number><phone-number><type>cell</type><number>555-CELL</number></phone-number></customer>
Mapping to an Attribute
Now we will look at how to tweak the XML output using the appropriate mapping metadata to produce XML attributes. As you will see the amount of configuration required is almost identical.
For Nano we will use @Attribute to configure the id property to be represented as an XML attribute.
The XML output is the same for both JAXB and Nano.
<customerid="123"><name>Jane Doe</name><address><street>1 A Street</street><city>Any Town</city></address><phone-number><type>work</type><number>555-WORK</number></phone-number><phone-number><type>cell</type><number>555-CELL</number></phone-number></customer>
Mapping Objects to Simple Content
To compact our document even further we will map the PhoneNumber class to a complex type with simple content.
With Nano we will use the @Attribute and @Value annotations on the PhoneNumber class.
The XML output is the same for both JAXB and Nano.
<customerid="123"><name>Jane Doe</name><address><street>1 A Street</street><city>Any Town</city></address><phone-numbertype="work">555-WORK</phone-number><phone-numbertype="cell">555-CELL</phone-number></customer>
Applying Namespaces
We will now namespace qualify the XML document.
We will use the @RootElement with a namespace parameter to specify a namespace for the Customer class.
<customerid="123"xmlns="http://www.example.com"><address><street>1 A Street</street><city>Any Town</city></address><name>Jane Doe</name><phone-numbertype="work">555-WORK</phone-number><phone-numbertype="cell">555-CELL</phone-number>
<customerxmlns:ns2="http://www.example.com"id="123"><ns2:name>Jane Doe</ns2:name><ns2:address><ns2:street>1 A Street</ns2:street><ns2:city>Any Town</ns2:city></ns2:address><ns2:phone-numbertype="work">555-WORK</ns2:phone-number><ns2:phone-numbertype="cell">555-CELL</ns2:phone-number></customer>
JSON Support
It is perferred that a binding framework can produce not only XML but also JSON.
Nano supports this feature, we only need to get a jsonWriter from Nanofactory then do marshalling:
As I know, without external library support, JAXB does not support json binding directly.
JSON Output
Below is the json produced by Nano:
{"customer":{"@id":123,"address":{"city":"Any Town","street":"1 A Street"},"name":"Jane Doe","phone-number":[{"@type":"work","__value__":"555-WORK"},{"@type":"cell","__value__":"555-CELL"}]}}
Android Support
Android mobile platfrom is quite popular these days, it would be nice if a binding framework can support Android platform.
Nano is tailored for Android platform, I will show you how to use Nano on Android platform in my later posts.
JAXB does not support Android platform, even if some people made it run on Android, the performance will be very bad since JAXB a heavy weight enterprise library targeting desktop and server side development, not mobile development.
Both Nano and JAXB are quite easy to do simple binding stuff. If you need a mature binding framework for enterprise development, JAXB is the way to go; If you just need a light-weight alternative, or you need to do binding work on Android platform, Nano is definitely the way to go.