Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to PicoBindable
Declared in Shopping_VariationsType.h


Variations are multiple similar (but not identical) items in a
single fixed-price (or Store Inventory Format) listing.
For example, a single listing could contain multiple items of the
same brand and model that vary by color and size (like “Blue, Large” and “Black, Medium”). Each variation can have its own quantity and
price. For example, a listing could include 10 “Blue, Large"
variations and 20 "Black, Medium” variations.

@ingroup ShoppingInterface


  •   variation

    Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another.
    For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation
    node specifies a combination of one of those colors and

  •   pictures

    Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the
    variation specifics, such as Color. For example, if a listing
    has blue and black color variations, a listing could specify the
    name Color as an organizing mechanism for all the pictures,
    and then include a set of pictures for the blue variations and
    another set of pictures for the black variations.

    Only one Pictures node is currently returned for a listing.
    However, the node has been defined as unbounded (repeatable) in
    the schema to allow for different use cases for some calls or sites
    in the future.

  •   variationSpecificsSet

    A list of all variation names and values that are defined on
    the item. This could include values that were previously
    defined (but no longer for sale).

    eBay uses this list to configure variation selection widgets
    that appear on eBay’s View Item page.
    For example, if Color and Size are names in the list, then
    eBay’s View Item page displays Color and Size drop-down lists
    to help a buyer choose a variation of interest.

    The order in which the names and values are returned
    matches the order in which the selection widgets appear on
    the View Item page.
    For example, if the names “Color”, then “Size”, and then
    “Sleeve Style” are returned, the View Item page shows drop-down
    lists with those labels in that order. For “Size”, if the values
    returned are “S”, “M”, and then “L”, the View Item page
    shows the values in that order in the Size drop-down list.

  •   any

    (public property)




(public property)

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *any


(public property)

entry type : PicoAnyElement, wrapper for primitive anyelement

Declared In



Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the
variation specifics, such as Color. For example, if a listing
has blue and black color variations, a listing could specify the
name Color as an organizing mechanism for all the pictures,
and then include a set of pictures for the blue variations and
another set of pictures for the black variations.

Only one Pictures node is currently returned for a listing.
However, the node has been defined as unbounded (repeatable) in
the schema to allow for different use cases for some calls or sites
in the future.

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *pictures


Contains a set of pictures that correspond to one of the
variation specifics, such as Color. For example, if a listing
has blue and black color variations, a listing could specify the
name Color as an organizing mechanism for all the pictures,
and then include a set of pictures for the blue variations and
another set of pictures for the black variations.

Only one Pictures node is currently returned for a listing.
However, the node has been defined as unbounded (repeatable) in
the schema to allow for different use cases for some calls or sites
in the future.

entry type : class Shopping_PicturesType

Declared In



Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another.
For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation
node specifies a combination of one of those colors and

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *variation


Contains data that distinguishes one variation from another.
For example, if the items vary by color and size, each Variation
node specifies a combination of one of those colors and

entry type : class Shopping_VariationType

Declared In



A list of all variation names and values that are defined on
the item. This could include values that were previously
defined (but no longer for sale).

eBay uses this list to configure variation selection widgets
that appear on eBay’s View Item page.
For example, if Color and Size are names in the list, then
eBay’s View Item page displays Color and Size drop-down lists
to help a buyer choose a variation of interest.

The order in which the names and values are returned
matches the order in which the selection widgets appear on
the View Item page.
For example, if the names “Color”, then “Size”, and then
“Sleeve Style” are returned, the View Item page shows drop-down
lists with those labels in that order. For “Size”, if the values
returned are “S”, “M”, and then “L”, the View Item page
shows the values in that order in the Size drop-down list.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Shopping_NameValueListArrayType *variationSpecificsSet


A list of all variation names and values that are defined on
the item. This could include values that were previously
defined (but no longer for sale).

eBay uses this list to configure variation selection widgets
that appear on eBay’s View Item page.
For example, if Color and Size are names in the list, then
eBay’s View Item page displays Color and Size drop-down lists
to help a buyer choose a variation of interest.

The order in which the names and values are returned
matches the order in which the selection widgets appear on
the View Item page.
For example, if the names “Color”, then “Size”, and then
“Sleeve Style” are returned, the View Item page shows drop-down
lists with those labels in that order. For “Size”, if the values
returned are “S”, “M”, and then “L”, the View Item page
shows the values in that order in the Size drop-down list.

type : class Shopping_NameValueListArrayType

Declared In
