Inherits from Finding_BaseFindingServiceResponse : Finding_BaseServiceResponse : NSObject
Declared in Finding_FindItemsByCategoryResponse.h


Response container for the findItemsByKeywords call.

@ingroup FindingServicePortType


  •   categoryHistogramContainer

    Response container for a category histogram. This container is
    returned only when the specified category has children categories.

    The category IDs returned for items in search results are for the
    leaf categories in which the items are listed. If you use a leaf
    category ID as input, the response will not return a category

    When searching the eBay Motors site, category histograms may not be
    available for some parent categories. In these cases, aspect
    histograms should be used to refine search results. This behavior
    is consistent with eBay Motors site search behavior.

  •   aspectHistogramContainer

    Response container for aspect histograms. Aspect histograms are
    returned for categories that have been mapped to domains only. In
    most cases, just leaf categories are mapped to domains, but there are

  •   conditionHistogramContainer

    Response container for condition histograms.
    Condition histograms are returned for any category
    (leaf or parent).

    Not returned when Condition is specified in itemFilter.
    That is, only returned when you have not yet narrowed
    your search based on specific conditions.

    Only returned when you search the eBay US site (as of
    February 2011). International items in US search results
    are included in the histogram counts.




Response container for aspect histograms. Aspect histograms are
returned for categories that have been mapped to domains only. In
most cases, just leaf categories are mapped to domains, but there are

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_AspectHistogramContainer *aspectHistogramContainer


Response container for aspect histograms. Aspect histograms are
returned for categories that have been mapped to domains only. In
most cases, just leaf categories are mapped to domains, but there are

type : class Finding_AspectHistogramContainer

Declared In



Response container for a category histogram. This container is
returned only when the specified category has children categories.

The category IDs returned for items in search results are for the
leaf categories in which the items are listed. If you use a leaf
category ID as input, the response will not return a category

When searching the eBay Motors site, category histograms may not be
available for some parent categories. In these cases, aspect
histograms should be used to refine search results. This behavior
is consistent with eBay Motors site search behavior.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_CategoryHistogramContainer *categoryHistogramContainer


Response container for a category histogram. This container is
returned only when the specified category has children categories.

The category IDs returned for items in search results are for the
leaf categories in which the items are listed. If you use a leaf
category ID as input, the response will not return a category

When searching the eBay Motors site, category histograms may not be
available for some parent categories. In these cases, aspect
histograms should be used to refine search results. This behavior
is consistent with eBay Motors site search behavior.

type : class Finding_CategoryHistogramContainer

Declared In



Response container for condition histograms.
Condition histograms are returned for any category
(leaf or parent).

Not returned when Condition is specified in itemFilter.
That is, only returned when you have not yet narrowed
your search based on specific conditions.

Only returned when you search the eBay US site (as of
February 2011). International items in US search results
are included in the histogram counts.

@property (nonatomic, retain) Finding_ConditionHistogramContainer *conditionHistogramContainer


Response container for condition histograms.
Condition histograms are returned for any category
(leaf or parent).

Not returned when Condition is specified in itemFilter.
That is, only returned when you have not yet narrowed
your search based on specific conditions.

Only returned when you search the eBay US site (as of
February 2011). International items in US search results
are included in the histogram counts.

type : class Finding_ConditionHistogramContainer

Declared In
